Thank you for trying Snood! A complete description of game play and features (with pictures) is included in the documentation inside the program (see the Help Menu). The Cool New Stuff section describes some of the main changes in version 2.1 of Snood. The Snood Notes section below explains some features of the game. The Registration section explains how to pay for Snood. The Changes section details the evolution of the program since the original release (1.0). You should also read through the License Agreement at the end of this document.
Snood is a puzzle game which emphasizes thought rather than reflexes. Your goal
is to remove the Snoods from the playfield by launching other Snoods up at them. You can do this in two ways: (1) Transporting Snoods --Matching up three or more Snoods of the same type allows them to transport away, and (2) Dropping Snoods -- if after a Snood transport some Snoods are no longer connected to the top of the playfield, they will drop to safety.
Snood has no time limits, allows you to play at your own pace, is non-violent and non-confrontational, and has a variety of difficulty levels, including one for children.
• Journey: Now there's a new way to play. Under the Journey difficulty level, you can play all of the normal levels of Snood (Child through Evil) in sequence, with your score carrying over from round to round. If you beat Evil, you keep getting more Evil screens until you lose and your Journey ends. For you Evil die-hards out there, you can select to start your Journey at Evil (i.e., you just play Evil games until you lose, with your score adding up from round to round). To take an Evil Journey, go to the Game Preferences item under the Preferences menu and click the "Start Journey at Evil" box.
• Just One More: If you find yourself playing game after game into the wee hours, this feature might help. If you select Just One More from the Game menu, you play one game and then Snood automatically quits, win or lose.
• Load and Save Puzzle Games: Due to popular demand, you can now save a puzzle game in progress and come back to it later. You can save at any time during play (use Command-G or Pause and pick Save Game from the Game menu). When you load a saved game, you will begin play at the start of whatever level you saved on with whatever score you had at the start of that level.
• High Score Verification: Many people have complained that the scores on the World High Score List seem unrealistic. I agree, but until now, I haven't had any way to verify them (well, I do delete the ones that come through at 999 million). With this new feature, when you get a high score, pick "Get Score Verification Code" from the Game menu. You'll get a 14 digit code that you enter when reporting your score. This code will verify that your score is real, so the new high score list will contain only verified scores. The old high score list will continue to accept any scores, verified or not.
Here's the new list's address:
Here's the old list's address:
• Out of Memory: If you get an "Out of Memory" message, you're probably trying to run Snood in "Milions of colors" mode. You'll need to increase Snood's memory allotment (using Get Info) or switch to a smaller monitor depth.
• Pause Mode: If you want to halt your game temporarily to use other applications, hit Command-P. This will put you into Pause mode and give you control of the mouse cursor again. To continue play, make sure Snood is the active application and hit Command-P again to exit Pause mode.
• Snood Modes: As of Snood 1.1, Snood has two modes, Background Friendly and Total Control. You can pick a mode using the Game Preferences dialog under the Preferences menu. Under Background Friendly mode, Snood will give time to other applications (e.g. printing, file copying, modem operations) and will process some system events (e.g. volume changes). Under Total Control, Snood ignores all other programs and events and takes complete control of your Mac to play the game. If you're having speed or responsiveness problems, or if you find that Snood conflicts with some of your extensions or control panels, try Total Control mode.
• Non-US Keyboards: I only had access to Apple Extended keyboards when testing this out. If you are using some other keyboard (Dvorak, non-US character set, etc.). This shouldn't be a big problem, because the main game uses only the mouse. Menu selections via command keys might be difficult with different keyboards, though.
• Machines: Snood requires System 7.0 or higher. It is a FAT binary file, meaning that it runs on both PowerPC and 68K Macs. It has been tested on several Mac clones, a 5200, a 7500, a 7200, a 6100, a Quadra 660 AV, a Performa 630, and several Mac II's. It runs OK on a Mac II ci, but it is quite slow. I haven't tried it on a system with multiple monitors, so I don't know how it does with that kind of system.
• System 7.5.5 Freeze Problem: Due to changes in sound handling made by Apple in System 7.5.5, Snood and other games sometimes freeze temporarily or crash while playing sounds on PowerPC machines. This can be fixed by installing the PowerPC Interrupt Extension Version 1.0. This is available from Apple, and there's a link to download it on the Snood web page (see the address at the top of this document).
• CameraMan Conflict: There is an extension called CameraMan which conflicts with Snood. For most users, if you have Cameraman running, Snood will not allow you to launch any Snoods from the cannon (this makes for long games). To fix this problem, disable CameraMan. I have no idea why this happens or even what CameraMan does.
• Comments: Please send me any comments, questions, bug reports, strategy tips, high scores, etc. I'd love to hear from you.
Registration is $10.00 U.S. If you like Snood and play it a lot, you should register it.
If you register Snood, I will send you a code which lets you:
• See your name listed as the registered owner of your copy of Snood
• Use the Custom difficulty levels and design your own custom difficulty settings
• Be able to load puzzle maps created using Snood Edit
• Run Snood Tournaments
• Receive free upgrade information and free upgrades when they are released
• Feel good about yourself for supporting the shareware concept
• Encourage me to write more software
There are three ways to register Snood:
(1) Send me $10 U.S. by mail. Check or money order are preferred, but cash seems to make it to me OK -- just wrap it in paper. Don't send a check drawn on a non-US bank, even if it's in U.S. funds, because it costs $25 to cash these. My address is listed at the beginning of this file. Please fill out the Register (Direct) form. Include your name and address or e-mail address if you have one. I'll send you your code and other information right away. DON'T fill this out if you're using a credit card or paying through Kagi -- use option (2) or (3) below instead.
- OR -
(2) Use the accompanying Register (Kagi) program. This program produces either e-mail-ready text or printed order forms which you send to the Kagi shareware registration service. Kagi lets you pay by check, cash, credit card or in foreign currency (but not with checks made out in non-U.S. currency). When Kagi receives your payment, they notify me, and I will send you your registration information.
See the accompanying Register (Kagi) Read Me file for more information.
- OR -
(3) Visit the Snood Registration Page on the World-Wide Web. You can pay with credit cards and First Virtual accounts from here. The address is:
• Added Snood counter to show Snoods used during a game
• Added "Just One More Game" feature help manage addiction and 2:30 a.m. Snooding
• Added "Save Game" feature for puzzle levels
• Added high score verification routines to allow for verification of the web-based list
• Added a feature that should make the Snood Window visible on smaller screens (512x384). Note! I wasn't able to test this because I don't have access to a Mac like this. I sent a beta version to one guy who said it worked OK, so hopefully it will help.
• Fixed bug that caused the screen to get messed up if you change player records during a game
• Fixed bug that caused scoring problem when many Snoods were transported together
• Fixed bug that failed to flush extra mouse clicks properly for player high scores and tournaments
• Changed Puzzle Level files so that double clicking them automatically loads them (I hope)
• Fixed bug that crashed SnoodEdit when "About SnoodEdit" was picked from Apple menu
• Altered shooting so mouse has to be released between shots (prevents rapid-fire Snood)
• Fixed high score entry so hitting "Cancel" doesn't actually enter a score
• Fixed random number generation so that startup games aren't always reruns
• Fixed volume control so it doesn't mess with system volume
• Fixed bug that messed up Players menu when a zero-length player name was entered
• Fixed bug that occasionally messed up Players menu when a player record was cleared
• Made SnoodEdit opening screen more clear
• Added Puzzle levels and SnoodEdit
• Added individual player records (the Player menu)
• Added tournaments
• Fixed high score list bug which munged the high scores if a long name was entered
• Added AppleEvent handling, so Snood will quit if the Mac is being shut down
• Cleaned up the event handling to make Snood more efficient
• Added a sound-off option and volume control
• Added an option to prevent the yellow background from showing up
• Added an option to allow switching of the playfield background
• Fixed a bug which sometimes produced inviso-Snoods in the launcher
• Fixed (I hope) a bug which very rarely caused Snoods to stick in mid-air
• Changed the Quit command to do the same thing as Abort if you're playing a game
• Incorporated names for the Snoods from the Name the Snood Contest
• Added help screens describing Player Records, Tournaments, the Puzzle levels, and Useful Commands
• Fixed a bug that prevented the menu from being displayed at start-up for registered users on 68K Macs.
• Added two new playfield backgrounds
• Allowed the game to end when there are only skulls left (useful for Puzzles)
• Wrote code to read preference files (high scores, game parameters) from versions 1.0 and 1.1 of Snood
• Changed registration slightly to allow re-registration with a different code
• Changed the Snood Use Bonus to allow values over 32,000
• Added a nifty folder icon to the Snood folder
• Limited dropped Snood bonus to 10,000 to prevent ungodly huge bonuses
• Added a setting to have Snood animation occur always, sometimes, or never
• Added a feature that shows how much you scored on your last shot
• Added an option to replay a game that you lost with the same layout and same sequence of Snoods
• Added a New Game button in the middle of the screen, so you don't have to use the menu to start a new one
• Fixed bug which messed up Custom Difficulty settings on PowerMacs.
• Added Mode menu, allowing Total Control mode
• Increased memory recommendations to prevent Out of Memory errors for high screen depths
• Fixed bonehead bug that caused initial playfield Snoods to look washed-out at high screen depths
• Fixed other bonehead bug that made the "Enter Code" button on the startup dialog not work sometimes
• Fixed bug with collision detection which occasionally led to odd Snood behavior
• Changed the name "Speed Bonus" to "Snood Use Bonus" to clarify what it really means
• Made mouse repositioning more elegant by using the Control Device Manager
• Added Kagi registration option
This is a legal agreement covering your use of Snood Be sure to read the following agreement before using the software. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE AND DESTROY ALL COPIES OF IT.
This software is copyright 1996-1998 by David M. Dobson, all rights reserved. It is distributed as shareware. You may examine this software without any charge and may distribute it freely to others, provided it is unmodified and this READ ME file is included. If you wish to use the shareware for more than thirty days, you must register the software. The software is owned by David Dobson and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Commercial distribution of the software is restricted without permission of David Dobson. If you wish to include this program in a collection or distribution such as a floppy disk, CD-ROM, or electronic archive for which a distribution or usage fee is charged, you must obtain permission from me. In almost all cases, I will grant permission at no cost. Redistribution involving no such fees, such as FTP sites or WWW archives, is not restricted as long as this READ ME file and the registration programs are included and the software is not modified in any way.
You may not rent or lease the software, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software, except for your own personal use. This exception does not extend to attempts to disable or bypass the registration code mechanism. Registration codes are non-transferable, and redistribution, copying, and resale of these codes are expressly prohibited. If you violate any part of this agreement, your right to use this software terminates automatically, and you must then destroy all copies of this software in your possession.
The software and related documentation are provided “AS IS” and without warranty of any kind. David Dobson expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall David Dobson or distributors be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the software or related documentation, even if David Dobson has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the Agreement shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
All trademarks mentioned are held by their respective owners.